Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Can I Get A Free Hutch How Do I Know When And Where My Free Range Hen Starts Having Eggs And If They're Fertile?

How do I know when and where my free range hen starts having eggs and if they're fertile? - can i get a free hutch

I have a chicken for four months, Comet, and a rooster, five or six months, hail. A week ago I received a new Chook a chicken six months, Cloud. I stayed in the barn Chook of one days before the others. A person with experience in Chook, I bought myself at the thought that he will probably start, but it is true, how their chickens freely varied. I do not know if Cloud began to wonder how it varies freely with others. If yes, where? I also saw what I believe is our rooster to mate with her. He jumps on her back as she flees from him, picking on the neck. Is this related? And I am interested in the chicks. How do I know whether or not to take to their eggs, they are able to produce fruitful and chicks or should we eat? I apprecIATE answer all these questions.


ruthleeb... said...

heh chicken has good verses evil chicken. Chicken from the faucet run to stop thinking is a bitch .. a joke (Family'm old) I do. But now, really. It's good to let your chickens free range rooster or Rome, if you want to be and that the baby hatches. The rooster is the grid with a cloud, so that their eggs are more fertile.The may or may not be old enough yet, but if you want to get at sunrise every morning for 2 weeks and go's sit where you can see and can hear the chickens begin tailed bird, and then started (not to cry escaped online), then the other chicken (must be very close view) in order to complete his second nest.Or can not wait, and when will they eat for several days, and if there is a constant n giggles LittleOise. In other words, if u have a safe place, and other animals (dogs, cats, weasels, foxes), or what you feed them, while it is free .. I have mine and I are hatching each spring NOW .. I sat a cock ..

dollars2... said...

Yes, it is mating. Let your chicken is good for them. This makes them stronger and stronger, but I would not advise a roast, if you like chewing gum. It makes everything so difficult that they are good for the noodles. Be good to have been fed to chickens, a place to avoid the spring and to the exercise and the muscles are soft. Some breeds of chickens are the main producers of eggs, but are not good for business incubators and chicks, and not always possible. Most heavy breeds of chicken red are usually good binder and is a large number of eggs. Banty hens are probably the best setter, but they are small and can not for more eggs. A large number of chickens is not obtained, however, many eggs until they are older Setty. If you have difficulties, where she was andor want. Used to fake eggs in the manufacture of glass set in his nest. I have plastic Easter eggs and filled them with sand and splicing them into separate tracks so well. Or when they, when they lay eggs, and keep, put a couple in their nest and feather a few days. You can tell if the eggs are fertile by candling them. He takes the egg and hold it in front of a 100-watt Buld if the egg fully mats in the light of their veiw. You can see through the hull, if you see what looks like a stain in the fertile egg. But if one takes a cock and 2 hens can bet, are

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